Stories Tom Cruise Overcame Dyslexia on the Road to Stardom Tom Cruise rarely speaks about his battle with dyslexia. Or his unstable home life. As a world-famous actor, one might assume he was always... Tyler O'SheaJuly 17, 2020
Stories ‘Crazy Rich Asians’: An Impactful and Beautiful Rom-Com Amidst an Epic Party I will open with a confession: I have only seen Crazy Rich Asians on a small screen. A really small screen. Like, for instance,... Charlie SalekMarch 4, 2019
Stories ‘Set It Up’ Jump-Started Netflix’s Rom-Com Renaissance I imagine it’s difficult to create a romantic comedy that is self-aware without being cynical. The genre’s main purpose is to strengthen our beliefs... Charlie SalekFebruary 13, 2019
Stories No One Knows The Hustle Better Than Jimmy O. Yang Hustlers and grinders run the world. Jeff Bezos started Amazon on a desk he made out of two filing cabinets and an old door.... Daniel SamarinJanuary 14, 2019
Stories How Kevin Smith’s ‘Clerks’ Redefined the Low-Budget Film Before he made the low-budget film that launched his career, Kevin Smith was like many other 18-year-old kids. He had no money and no... Tyler O'SheaAugust 23, 2018
Stories How Kirk Overcame Every Obstacle in ‘She’s Out of My League’ On the heels of a messy breakup, a young TSA Agent, Kirk, wallows in self-pity. His friends tell him he can do better. “Thank... Tyler O'SheaMarch 27, 2018
Stories ‘Everything’s Jake’: A Hidden Gem That Can Change Your Life Nowadays, Hollywood studios are dropping hundreds of millions of dollars on movies. But, how often do those movies leave a lasting impact on you?... Tyler O'SheaJanuary 2, 2018