Over the years, our readers have said some pretty nice things about our stories.
I’ve always said that the stats don’t matter, so long as each story we publish makes a positive impact on at least one person’s life.
Here are some of the best and most meaningful testimonials, replies, and feedback we’ve ever received đź’Ś
“I really love that it’s this special little corner of the sports world.” – Scott D.
“The stories we love told the way they should be. Heartwarming.” – Jim J.
“You make a difference on my journey of life!” – Doak T.
“I really loved reading this. Brought tears to my eyes.” – Sandy S.
“This is the only newsletter I think could ever make me cry.” – Ryan S.
“You do a great job condensing what has to be loads of information into an enjoyable and easy Sunday morning read.” – Jake C.
“Thanks to you I have more conversations with all my grown (and semi-grown) nephews.” – Mary E.
“I love reading things like this. As a Deaf person, it makes me feel I’m worth it.” – Lonnelle C.
“Just wanted to let you know that this week’s email was awesome. Of course, they all are. Haven’t seen one that I didn’t enjoy tremendously.” – Ted T.
“Really good stuff. Love the variety. Great way to start the morning.” – Johnny C.
“Concise, engaging, and super insightful. It’s a refreshing change of pace from analysts yelling on TV.” – Joey H.
“Underdog stories help me bring back the feeling of a simpler and (maybe?) purer time of being a fan.” – Roger C.
“Thank you for writing these. I teared up a little with this one. I truly appreciate you.” – Ross W.
“Just started getting your newsletter and find myself looking forward to the next story. Well done!” – Tom C.
“This newsletter is a bright light in dark times.” – Dylan R.
“I love the concept you have for encouraging people to not give up. It’s wonderful! There are so many success stories that we never hear about and I applaud you for bringing attention to these people.” – Patty R.
“I always enjoy what I learn here. I have stuff to tell others. Thanks for that and all of your research!” – Marsha H.
“It’s easy to find sports media outlets who thrive on being controversial…Tyler and the team at Joker Mag go out of their way to share the stories we all need to hear because they underline what makes sports so magical…Tyler is a master of recounting their unique journeys in doing so.” – Jeremy M.
“Looking forward to more great stories and life lessons.” – Richard C.
“I think what you are doing is great. The world needs more positive stories out there.” – Joe M.
“It’s a great niche you’ve developed, and a great service you provide. Thanks, and keep up the good work.” – Sam M.
“11/10. Not sure where you get your material but DAMN…” – John C.
“Beautiful story. These are the things that the mainstream media doesn’t publish!” – Vicky B.